Finally, the last project's DONE! After soo many sleepless nights, luckily it came out quite well. This is an assignment which you have to redesign one of the 5 design (the lower entrance, upper entrance, logo, signage and uniform) of the current Taronga Zoo, Sydney. It's actually an individual work, but I've got an idea of combining 5 friends who are doing different area and make a whole new zoo out of our design.
Below are some pictures of what my group did.

This is my lower entrance. I decided to combine the lower entrance, the sky safari entrance and the ferry wharf into one massive entrance. As the lower entrance is very near to the sea, I made an underwater entrance, where visitors will have to walk downwards into a transparent aquatic tunnel when arrived at the ferry wharf. Here, you can see seals, penguins and others greeting and welcoming you. The huge 'Z' is the pathway to the sky safari (cable car) with the gift shop underneath it. Basically, tt's about it.

This is the group work we did. We actually built a whole new zoo, with new map, new architectures, new logo, new signage system and new uniform. Beside the new 3D map are our individual presentation board, with similar layout as well.

These are the designers behind the project. From left, the VisCom designer - Linh (designed the new logo), architect - me (designed the lower entrance), interior designer - WanYi (designed the signage system) architect - Sam (designed the upper entrance), and fashion designer - Jenny (designed the uniform). We are actually wearing the new uniform Jenny designed, with the new logo Linh designed on it. Anyway, thank you for all the good work~ Its been tiring but wonderful time working together.
Sigh.. Can't believe everything came to an end already. For the next one last week, let's meet up and party.. haha..

Do keep in touch!! Will miss you guys :)
Signed off.